Wilkes County, Georgia Newspaper Accounts

Wilkes County, Georgia Newspaper Accounts
No Place Like Dixie.—The following paragraph, which we copy from the Washington (D.C.) Express, of Saturday last, is expressive of the feelings of thousands of colored persons who have been left dependent upon the cold charities of would-be philanthropists:
A Georgia Slave Returns to Her Master.
Some weeks ago an old negro woman about sixty years of age, named Henrietta McCLINTOCK, arrived here under the impression that she was reaching Little Washington, Georgia. On her arrival she met officer E. McHENRY, and told him of her troubles. During the war she had left her old master, Mr. Benjamin F. BARKSDALE, of Danburg, Georgia, and had wandered through Tennessee, until she was weary of such a life, and anxious to return to her "old master." She then inquired at an interior village the direction to Little Washington, and was directed to the ticket office, where a ticket to Washington, D. C. was sold her. This exhausted all her means, and arriving here without friends or money, she was in sore distress, and on meeting officer McHENRY, begged him to write to her old master for money to take her home. That officer interested himself and did so, and without delay, he received a letter from Mr. BARKSDALE containing $20. Last night he bought her a ticket, placed her in the cars, and she left for Dixie's land well and happy.

Atlanta, Georgia, The Constitution, 31 July 1869, p. 0_1.



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