
Showing posts from October 28, 2012

Can you name this Relative?

After exhaustive searches we are now featuring a segment called Can you name this Relative? Due to migration and etc, we luckily have come upon some unnamed images and are hopeful that through the use of technology they can once again be claimed.  Our first image features the Sullivan Family of Crawford county, Georgia. Our question is do you know if one of these women ever married a Webb of Crawford County? We believe they could be IRENE SULLIVAN, CALVIN SULLIVAN, 2 SISTERS ESSIE AND ANNIE?, OWEN OR ORIN SULLIVAN — with  IRENE SMITH SULLIVAN ,  CALVIN SULLIVAN Thanks to Cousin Dottin for supplying the picture, clues and information open. 

Ways to be Related

The ways of Relations This information has been posted due to a question posed to me earlier  information gathered from ScotHibb Here's a nice image showing a basic cousin tree...(borrowed from Wikipedia)...this is currently the furthest Geni will allow for a cousin to be listed out before becoming pathed to a parent or grand parent (i.e. third cousin thrice removed). The image below lets you see when a cousin is a cousin and to what degree and seperation they are to you (simply locate first person on top left row and second person in the top right row...then look to see where the diagnal lines meet and that's their relationship to each other). CP = Common Progenitor r = generations removed I would love to see this implemented past the third cousin thrice removed limit Geni currently has in place... ~ScotHibb 2007

November Birthdays & Celebrations!

November Birthdays & Celebrations! Date Name Relation November 2 Antonio Harris 2nd cousin 1x removed- maternal November 3, 2012 Brian Smith (deceased 2012) first cousin Paternal November 4, 2012 Denika Thomas first cousin Paternal Joseph Wingfield III Second cousin - Maternal November 6 Jennifer Bryan Webb & Lucille 2nd cousin Paternal J and cousin November 7 Anita Pouncil 1st cousin -1x removal - Paternal November 8 Melissa Woodbury -Jones 1st cousin of sister November 14 Myonna Wingfield Second cousin - Maternal November 16 Kia Leach niece November 22nd Eddie Lemon 2nd cousin November 24th  Danielle Benthem, Angela White and Jennifer Smylor 2nd cousin, 2nd cousin, 2nd Cousin ( Paternals) November 26th Nate Webb and Clark Jones Sr. uncle and brother n law November 28th Kitre Jones sister November 30th Garrett Lymon Jr. 3rd cousin Wedding Anniversary John and Marsha W...