Jetty Wingfield My Spring Ancestry Geneaology Challenge

My anxiety about the project comes from many places. No one living ever met Jetty (Jet) Wingfield, he died before 1905.  (By the way If there are people who have met him and are still living, I am most likely a bit scared of you and hope you are being well looked after by loved ones.)

What I know

I think he died before 1905 because he is not in any of the "really close" tax areas in 1905 or 1906. I have also looked in 1908 and 1909.

His children the (6) that I am aware of were either living on their own or with the relatives of his wife by 1910.

His children the (6) that I am aware of were living with only their mother in 1900.

My great aunt Nan who is as sweet as she is fluid, states that her mother Jet's daughter (Mary) said both her parents died when she was really young. Since Mary's eldest child was conceived (by a sexual assault by a caretaker, a man Jett knew) in 1905, it is hopefully likely that he was deceased.

               She began living with this person and his family after her mother passed away.

So here's what I know about great, great, granddad Jetty Wing(k)field

  1. He was born in Georgia. (census of children)
  2. He worked for A.A. Rayle in Oglethorpe in 1890.
  3. He knew and worked with my great, great, great grandfather Moses Goolsby, who he worked with and whose daughter became his wife. (tax records)
  4. He was seen in Rayle, Georgia as early as 1886 according to the tax records. Paying this tax could have meant that he was at least 21 by 1886 but I don't have any concrete evidence.
  5. He married my g-g grandmother Mattie Goolsby January 17, 1886 when she was 14 her sister Edie married his co-worker / possibly friend (Will Lunceford) 3 years later once Edie turned 18.
  6. Their first child was born in April of that same year.
  7. Their last child was born in 1898.
  8. The 1900 census record lists my great, great, grandmother's marital status was indeterminable as either single or divorced not widowed. 
Well at least I have a pick axe....


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