Our Older Elders

Our Oldest Living Relatives

Sorry, I couldn't think of a tree connection to name this, I was going with rings around the tree but then that got ugly, so anyway here it is.

This is a series I will continue to update. Please don't be offended if I forget your great grand etc, all you have to do is email me @ farrelwebb@gmail.com, and I will update it. This is my way of reminding everyone to cherish people while they are here, and a way to help us all connect with each other just in case the our branches are a little hidden.

Relative Relation
Alberta Downer Townes
Alberta Towns |brn: Wilkes County
1st cousin 1x removed of husband of 3rd cousin 1x removed
| Born: February 14, 1910

Elbert Huddleston|brn: Newton, MS|

Husband Maternal Relation| Born: August 20, 1912

UPDATE: Passed away :January 2, 2015

Obituary: http://farrelsblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/entry-into-upper-room.html
Melvin "Bullyman" Goolsby|brn: Wilkes, GA| My Maternal Relation

UPDATE: Passed away :January 31, 2014

Obituary: http://farrelsblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/entry-into-upper-room.html
Nannie Cox Bolton|brn: Wilkes, GA| My Maternal Relation|  1922

Rosa Nell Smith Howard| Wilkes, GA| My maternal relation| Feb. 24, 1911
- An Athens woman is celebrating her 105th birthday on Wednesday.
According to her family, Rosa Nell Smith Howard was born on Feb. 24, 1911 in Wilkes County, Ga.
As a child, Howard rode the family horse, Sam, back and forth to school in Rayle, Ga. Howard later moved to New York where she became a caretaker.
Years later, Rosa moved back to Wilkes County, where she met and married Ellis Howard. The two moved to Athens, Ga. where Rosa gave birth to two children.Howard's family says she's a great cook and a baker.
Rosa attributes her long life to her faith in Jesus. She said that God had a plan for her life and she is surrounded by loving friends and family.


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