Branching Out!!

This is an area that will publicize our businesses or creations either started by, created or led by our business members.

Barrett Hanson has a published a new book about Cohentown, in Wilkes County. Find out how to get your copy here!

For more information go to his site here:

Pearl Mattox has published a new book. You can get your copy of her new book "Persevere" at Amazon. com

Angela Lykebudda White
Get Angela's newest work: Windows to my soul here:

Angela has published As the Budda flows (Vol.1)
 You can purchase the book and read reviews located on Amazon in paperback or for your kindle. 

Lush and Verdant Company

Lush and Verdant Company has continued to expanding its line of products to what you find on our web site today. We are constantly working on new products so check our site for updates.The company's objective is to differentiate its products from those of its competitors by offering our clients more value and a better cosmetic experience.

Visit our online store  or learn more about us here.

Kitre Jones is a Master stylist with a passion for creating modern, cutting edge hair styles, all while nurturing her client's healthy locks. Kitre is a celebrated stylist who styles for not only some of Atlanta's elite but for some of the world most beloved celebrities and world leaders. Most notably she is well known for her personalized attention to detail and client. However,most of her success lies in her God given ability to enhance all her clients individual beauty.

Kitre Jones is one of the most vibrant, innovative and well-respected Master stylists in the industry. 

Contact her at 404-931-2105


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