November Birthdays & Celebrations!

November Birthdays & Celebrations!

Date Name Relation

November 2Antonio Harris 2nd cousin 1x removed- maternal
November 3, 2012
Brian Smith (deceased 2012)
first cousin Paternal
November 4, 2012 Denika Thomas

first cousin Paternal
Joseph Wingfield IIISecond cousin - Maternal
November 6 Jennifer Bryan Webb & Lucille2nd cousin Paternal J and cousin
November 7 Anita Pouncil1st cousin -1x removal - Paternal
November 8 Melissa Woodbury -Jones1st cousin of sister
November 14 Myonna WingfieldSecond cousin - Maternal
November 16 Kia Leachniece
November 22nd Eddie Lemon2nd cousin
November 24th  Danielle Benthem, Angela White and Jennifer Smylor2nd cousin, 2nd cousin, 2nd Cousin ( Paternals)
November 26th Nate Webb and Clark Jones Sr.uncle and brother n law
November 28th Kitre Jonessister
November 30th Garrett Lymon Jr.3rd cousin
Wedding AnniversaryJohn and Marsha WilsonParents


  1. happy born day to all of the family who share this month birthday with me god bless ~angela


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