Ancestry Ace Updates

1940 Census Index Update
The 1940 census index for Washington D.C. is complete and online. It is now fully searchable from's 1940 census database page. They are still working tirelessly to key, index and QA other locations and will release entire states as they are completed.

 For more information about how this process works you can visit their blog.

You may have heard about our new, soon to be released AncestryDNA test. From the overwhelming interest we’ve seen, it appears that our members are as excited as we are about our advancements with DNA technology. We’re getting very close to launching the new AncestryDNA, in limited quantity, with exclusive invitations to subscribers on the waiting list. So, stay tuned for an official announcement and make sure you’re on the list to get AncestryDNA by signing up And don’t forget to tell your family, friends and followers about it, it’s going to be a game changer. In the meantime, watch this video for a sneak peek into how all of this works


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