What's Shaking on our tree?

The Henry Bolton Project

So every time I interact with a family member from Wilkes it seems as if they know "A" Henry Bolton from Wilkes or Oglethorpe county.

Side Note: Wilkes and Oglethorpe county are counties in N.E. Georgia that are very close to each other.

When I began my own research I noticed that none of the Henry Bolton(s) were the exact Henry Bolton I was thinking they were. Each and every time the Henry was a different one. So I am beginning a project that I hope will help with the confusion.

There is a Henry Bolton born in Oglethorpe, Georgia born to Daniel and Rosa Bolton. He married Annie Stephens(on) and they had at least 3 children.


Excluded from this list are:

Henry L. Bolton born in 1937 and died in Atlanta, Georgia in 2011.

Henry L. Bolton born in 1938 in Statesboro, Georgia, deceased in 28 Nov 1998.


  1. Are you sure Henry Bolton's wife was named Annie and not Mamie Bolton? If so Henry and Mamie Bolton had son named Johnny Bolton. Johnny married Maude Mattox. Maude is my maternal grandmother's sister.

    1. I apologize for replying so late, I did not see this post until now.

      However, Hey! There are soooo many Henry Bolton's from that area. In fact there is a Henry Bolton who married a Annie AND 1 who married a Mamie.

      I have Mamie's obituary. It is online but if you need a copy I can get it to you. Mamie was a Favors relative and so am I. I also have Maude on the tree. This is because I am also related to Nathan and Lou Mattox. who as you may know are the grandparents of Maude.


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