If your folks lived in Wilkes, I guess we just have to be related somehow.......

So once again, I am working out and researching family in Wilkes County Georgia and thanks to our wonderful families whether walking or "gliding" through our world found another connection to my Wingfield Cousin Luckie, who of course has set the "standard" for leading our family to constant and instant family connections. Her wonderful site can be found here at OurGeorgiaRoots. We are both as


  1. Wow,I just stared doing my tree. We may be distant cousins by marriage? Lol. Jake Wingfield/Winkfield married Reba Hardeman. Reba had a daughter named Rosa Mae Hardeman. I'm unsure if Jake was her father or not,but She married Lucious "Boot" Mattox. Boot is my maternal grandmother's 1st cousin! I have pictures of Lucious aka Boot and Rosa Mae. Email me at ashleyharris1002@gmail.com if you are interested in seeing them.

  2. I would LOVE to see the pictures. My great great uncle Jake was a very loving person and well.....

    It would totally be plausible that he is her father, he would have been about 23 or 24 at the time of Rosa Mae's birth. Im not 100% sure but I do know that he was the father of record of at LEAST 7 children with Reba and Corneilia simultaneously.

    I went to a bit of a reunion and they all state that Reba was a very sweet but private person.

    Uncle Jake's niece is still alive and thriving. She remembers Uncle Jake as a lively, humorous loving person.


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