Georgia Death Certificates 1931-1935 not all but some

Name Certificate No. Date of Death County related or not related researched filed Info by: child of md: militia district marital status
1 32251 Elbert Dubose, Willis & Margarette
2 1941 Wilkes Smith, Jannie & either Charlie or Jack
3 Amy, Algie Jr. 2737 26-Feb-33 Coweta H Amy, Algie sr& Stephens, Almeta
4 Amy, Jessie 29304 7-Dec-35 Meriwether
5 Amy, Mamie 12547 Coweta co: George Darden & Celey Hill
6 Andrews, Rosa 13839 1-May-35 Wilkes Mclendon, Bose & Pleasant
7 Arnett, B. H. 17328 10-Jun-29 white
8 Arnett, Fannie 33217 26-Dec-35 Wilkes Thompson, Josh & Smith, Lucerve
9 Arnett, Fannie 29-Dec-35 Elbert white Smith, Luc___& Thompson, Josh
10 Arnett, Nora: | |March 4, 1934 Wilkes info Elln Mahoney P: Mahoney, Ned & Beatrice Benson
11 Asbury, Halin 16934 Asbury, Gesia
12 Ball, Elease 30511 11/3/1934 Davis Ball & Anna Irvin 230 Woodstock, Oglethorpe, co: |Buried in Lyonsville
13 Ball, Lewis Madison white 23807|Ball, Lewis|Fulton|September 4, 1934|white male
14 Ball, Octavia 5470 Richmond R.A. Thomson of 209 Inman Ave. N.E Shelton, James & Taylor, Laura
15 Ball, Samuel 27597 10/26/1934 Oglethorpe Ball, Kendrick & Wellborn, Maybell buried in Lyonsville Cemetery
16 Bankston, Loretta Clay
17 Barrett, Elle? 33222 Wilkes Anthony, Henry & Barnett, Mary
18 Barksdale, Lovie 24107 21-Jun-35 Wilkes
19 Bell, Fred 33590
20 Bell, Leila 13734 Bell, Henry & Johurau, Sarah
21 Binns, James 30259 12/11/1933 Wilkes Binns, Willis & Anderson, Sarah
22 Blakely, Sam 5368 2/17/1935 Wilkes Blakely, Nathan & Rachel
23 Bolton, Bennie Mae Bolton, Georgia & Craft, Nellie Mae
24 Bolton, Bessie Mae 9545| Mitchell white
25 Bolton, Catheren 7385 or 11462 3/16/1931 Oglethorpe white
26 Bolton, Charlie 30520 4/17/1905 Oglethorpe
27 Bolton, Claud 20499 Lincoln white
28 Bolton, Essie Mae white
29 Bolton, Estelle 30514 Bolton, Solomon & Wille
30 Bolton, Henry 27599 Bolton, N. & Clara
31 Bolton,Jane 4509 McCannon, Ambrahm
32 Bolton, Fannie 26728 11/11/1933 Oglethorpe Bolton, Everline & Nan
33 Bolton, Lottie 303/ 37 Mark Bolton and maybe Ida
34 Bolton, Ruby L. (white) white
35 Booker, Hattie 20217 7/27/1934 Wilkes Handspiker, Willis & Booker, Sue
36 Booker, Mollie 31227 Booker, Abrom & Millie
37 Booker, Sue 8576 or 8516 Harper or Hughes, Catherine
38 Brewer, Nick 2594 1/16/1935 Wilkes Brewer, Pope& Morelle
39 Brittain, Tom 22996 82-32 Wilkes Butler, Irene of Atlanta Brittain, Brittain & Sophronia
40 Brown, Alberta 20499 or 18200 Henry Brown, Jacob L & Palmer, Corceus
41 Brown, Alioce 16329 Richardson, Albert
42 Brown, Lorenzie Dekalb Brown, Lewis
43 Broughton, Dora 18787 7/16/1935 Wilkes co F____Tabitha, & Harry or Harrison
44 Bur(a)rnett, Geneous 2583 H****r, Harriet,& Barnett, Peter
45 Burns, Nomie
46 Burton, Lessie 25449 Zellars, Aaron & Lessie
47 Bush, William 4452 Clarke Bush, William & Green
48 Bush, William S. 1931
49 Bush, William S 9893 brn: 1888 Pearl Bush 1211 Jackson St.
50 Bush, Willie brn 1886 Robinson, Etta & William Francis John Bush
51 Cade, Annie 29294 Jones, Thomas & mattie
52 Calloway, John 13836
53 Carlton, Willie 34134 12/21,1935 Wilkes
54 Chennault, Midie Sims 13844
55 Cofield, Anne 8452 Troup Ed Johnson Thomas, Henry
56 Cofield, Hattie 26538 Burks, Charlie& Parks, Sopha
57 Cohen, Amanda 6351 27-Feb-33 Richmond Wallace Cohen Bussey, Tom & Jones, Lizzie
58 Cohen,Andrew 27540 11 or 12/6/1932 Wilkes Cohen, Wallace & bussey, Audrey 1207 Druid Park
59 Dallas, Lula 20561| March 1875-Aug 5 Lincoln Harris, Luke &Dallis, Sanders buried Harmonia Church
60 Daniel, Rosa
61 Davenport, Anna 15194 Tames, Jim
62 Davenport. George
63 Davenport, Jessie Lumpkin 26723 Davenport, Randall & Martin, jane
64 Davenport, Mary Ann 22675 Davenport, Tom & Reese, Amanda
65 Davenport, Willie Clarke
66 Dean, Ed 9244 Clarke Dean, Andrew
67 Dorsey, James 24113 1935 Dorsey, Jessie
68 Dubose, Ida 6/28/31 Fulton Dubose, Will m 114 Marietta St.| buried in Cochran, GA
69 Dubose, William 20153 Clarke Ruby Dubose Dubose, Thomas, Anderson, S.C. & Clyaton, Lula of Washington
70 Dubose, Lula Williams, Hal & W. Centher (Lexington)| 120 Whitehall Ga
71 Dubose, Will 10111 or 2115 4/25/1934 Fulton Albert Lahim none listed think this is the one with the father from McDuffie|219 Chestnut St|buried in Chestnut Hill
72 Dubose, Infant of 22653 1929 Fulton Dubose, James Infof Dubose, James & Plummie
73 Duobse, Infant of 32251 Elbert Eva Dubose Willis Dubose & Margarete
74 Ector, Lucy 69-33 Mclendon, Georgia of Danburg Thornton, Louis & Bates, Kissie
75 Edwards, Dock 8731- 1/31/1935 Wilkes Edwards, Will & Griffin, Adeline
76 Evans, Delie 19531 7/7/1933 Wilkes related Beard, Jim & Hanson, Milly
77 Evans, Glover 20684 4/15/1905 Wilkes Bertha Evans Evans, James & Better of Wilkes
78 Evans, Lewis 18786 7/16/1935 Wilkes related Jackson, Sally & Evans, Delie
79 Farmer, Jeannette co: Albert Wyms & Lettie Yearby "info : wilkes Yearby of 233 Simston}Anon Church in Lexington|widowed
80 Farmer, Nelle 14495 Favers, (Farmer) John & Lewis, Mary
81 Faver, Cash 28700 17-Aug-32 Coweta yes yes none widowed
82 Faver, Chaner Wilkes Thomson, Sam & cHANEY
83 Faver, Samuel 26530 10/3/1935 Troup
84 Favers, Willie Jr. 8728 Favers, Willie Sr . & Jones, mattie
85 Favors, Andrew 27842 Favors, John & Livsey, Lizzie
86 Favors, Arthur 19992 7/5/1934 Troup Coldwell, Owen & Favors, Susan
87 Favors, Edward 24569 Meriwether Favors, mary
88 Favors, Henry 10142 4/24/1932 Troup Keith Favors Favors, Joe & Thornhill, Mary, Harris Co. 178
89 Favors, James 34761 Favors, John & Livsey, Lizzie
90 Favors, 10673 Favors, Orga
91 Favors, Jessie Lee 4895 1931 Troup Favor, Arthur (Greenville) & Nelson, Stella (Troup)
92 Favors, Julia Mae 29286 1935 Wilkes Favers, Willie Jeff & Lumpkin, Laura
93 Favors, Laura 14492 Azabelle Reeves
94 Favors, Lonny 12859 Favers, Jeff
95 Favors, Lula 7716 3/16/1935 Meriwether Wilson, John & McCrary, Ann
96 Favors, Ruth 8058 2/17/1930 Troup Favors, Arthur, & stella
97 Favors, Will 31928 12/21/1930 Clayton Favors, Oscar & Mary
98 Ferrell, Frank 2226 Wilkes Ferrell, Frank (Sr) and Jane
99 Ferrell, Henry 15445 mrs. Rob Ferrell 164
100 Flenall, Harriet 26716 9/21/1935 Wilkes Hughes, Geo & Mary
101 Gaines, John Wilkes Gaines, Charity
102 Gates, Jessie 2644 Henry, Robert & Bessie
103 Gillispie, Niecie|co: 25112 17 Sep 30| Oglethorpe Richard Raines & George Hudson
104 Glaze, Charles 11010 4/7/1935 Norman, Mary & Glaze, Charlie
105 goolsby, Adeline 28834 3/29/1900 Dolliman, Nettie Harris, Nancy
106 Goolsby, Anna 6243 2/28/1933 Glothem, Gus & Queen Sarge Goolsby
107 Goolsby, Ann E or C 17896 Clarke yes Hudson, Emma Smiley, Henry or Snelling, Henry & maybe Smith, jane 216
108 Goolsby, Claude Lincoln white
109 Goolsby, Cornelia 9893 4/29/1931 Richmond Wiggins, Charlie & Wisdom
110 Goolsby, Emma 24145 5/16/1931 Washington, George of Oglethorpe md. Tim Goolsby
111 Goolsby, Fannie 19435 7/5/1934 Oglethorpe goolsby, Fred Goolsby, Malinda 238
112 Goolsby, Lige 12/19/1935 Nunnally, Amy none listed Goolsby, Lize|buried at Harmonia|died @ 85 years old.|Stephen 241|buried in Harmonia|info Amy Nunnally|12/19/35
113 Goolsby, Lumpkin 22012 Goolsby, Fannie
Goolsby, Modest 26474
yes Goolsby, George & Bolton, Hattie
114 Goolsby, Moses 18453 goolsby, James & Davenport, Matilda 237
115 Goolsby, Sarah Echols, Andy & Aroiny
116 Goolsby, Sarah Maddox, Annie & Wise, Ezekial & Makessie m. to Darby Goolsby Goolsby, Sarah P| Ezekial Wise & Makoosie| info Annie Maddoxx-||537 Hurst St. N.E.
117 Goolsby, Sallie 27600
118 goolsby, Susie Fulton A. Gaither Bridges, Tom& Flora Lincoln
119 Grant, Effie 25470 Wilkes John Evans Bennett, Coleman & Lyman, Nancy Rayle
120 Gresham, Julia 33229 12/18/1935 Evans, George & Emily
121 Hall, Allice 3149 Bacon, Crawford
122 Hall, C.Y. 29093 white
123 Hall, Norman 21858 1934 Meriwether maybe R hall, Tom & Gates, Cherry Ann
124 Hall, Ora 1966 Hotcie, Ocie & Mack , Henry Hall, Ora|Mark, Henry or Mary Henry|Hotson, Ocie (Burke county)
125 Hall, Henry 1685 1935 Hall, Richard
126 Hall, Lucius 7323 3/7/1935 Troup Effie Hall 732
127 Hall, Norman 21858 7/19/1934 Meriwether Hall, Thomas & Gates, Cherry Ann 1213
128 Haney, Charlie 11007 3/17/1935 Darden, John
129 Hanspiker, Meeda 3730 3/21/1935
130 Hanson, Julia 3001 John Hanson & Malinda Kilcrease 1257 Mill sTreet| 81- 31
131 Hanson, Julia 19006 4/14/1905 Hanson, William H. &Moss, Mary A. info Julia Hanson|buried Southview
132 Hanson, Lee aka Levi 28057 Charleston, Edy and Hanson, Ed
133 Hanson, Lee Wilkes Hanson, Thomas
134 Hanson, Mary 746 4/14/1905 Richmond unsure R Hanson, Willie Moss, Ric hard & Crumbley, Julia Ann
135 Hanson, Minnie Louise 23166 9/19/1934 Clarke unsure Hanson, Henry & Hill, Mary
136 Hanson, William 3916 white Hanson, John & Kilcrease, Malinda
137 Hardy, Daisy| 3722|
138 Harwick, Georgie Dollie 29296 Pempson, Anthony & Norman, Mary
139 Harmon, Jannie 29291 Frasier, Nerrett, & Puoger, Betsy
140 Harmon, Rich 29292 11/14/1935
141 Hardy, Daisy 3722
142 Hill, Bragg 33795 Richmond Hill, Mandy
143 Hill 4789-136 6/28/1935 Hill, Robert
144 Hill, Jessica Rula 23489 8/31/1935 Richmond Hill, Anneball of SC or Arneolla Hill of same address of Edgefield County, SC 4 hours old||1210 Telfair St.
145 Hill, Joe Marshall 10602 4/16/1935 Richmond Hill, John & Mays, Clara Warrenton Fannie Hill
146 Hill, Mack 33218 12/19/1935 Wilkes
147 Hill, Jr. Moses 16935 Hill, Moses sr. & Betty
148 Hill, Patrick 18368 7/16/1935 Richmond Hill, Jennie Sanders, Anna
149 Hill, Quincy 22996 Hill, Annie Claiborn, Janie & Favor, paris
150 Hill, Willie 4789 1/26/1935 Richmond Hill, Robert
151 Hope, John 18787 6/23/1935 Wilkes Hope, Andrew(N.C) & Fuller,Cabine (McDuffie)
152 Huff, Lizzie May Willie Blanchard Grant, Felix& Richards, Jane
153 Huff, Ruby 15675 1935 Oglethorpe R Huff, Hood & Walker, Mattie m
154 Johnson, Ada 26089 1935 unknown Chas Finch Bonner, Pope & Watkins, Mira
155 Jones, Alice 26529 Bartow Jones Carter, Lella or Della & McLaughlin, Amos
156 Jones, Allen 21237 Monroe Jones no parent
157 Jones, Infant of AT 8253 white
158 Jones, Dortha 3148 Jones, Abe & Calwell, Mollie
159 Jones, Hazel 32928 12/22/1935 Troup Jones, Charlie & Culberson, Sara
160 Jones, Mary 20014 white
161 Jones, Mary Lizzie 3337234 11/14/1934 Meriwether Johnson, Henry & Lucendy of Harris County
162 Jordan, Beatrice Jones, Willie & Wingfield, Jessie
163 Jordan, Catherine 29289 Jordan, Burrell jr. & Pope, Annie
164 Jordan, Laura Jordan, Sam & Emily
165 Jordan, Ruby 13122 1935 Oglethorpe R Jordan, Edna
166 Layne, Frank Lane, Austin & Dupin, Luiza
167 Launceford, Dink 18893 1933 Lunceford, George & Arnold, Charlotte
168 Lunceford, Jimmie M. 30211 12/18/1935 Jimmie L. Lunceford& Estella Bailey of Eaton, Ga 216 buried in Brockland Cemetery, Athens, GA
169 Lockhart, Arick L. 26257 Nov. 13, 1932 white Lockhart, Cages & Nelson, Harriet
170 Lockhart, Charlie jr. 3722 11-Feb-34 Fulton
171 Lockhart, Cora 4629 5-Dec-32 Lincoln Lockhart, James, & Jones, Elizabeth 4629|Lockhart, Cora|December 5, 1932|co: James Lockhart & Elizabeth Jones|father give info
172 Lockhart, Florence 24043 1932 white
173 Lockhart, George B 23542 white
174 Lockhart, Jannie 19382 1932 Fulton Scott, West & Allen, Mollie Lockhart, jannie|Fulton|West Scott
175 Lockhart, Lafayette 4021 Lochart, George & Phinezzle, Mollie
176 |Lockhart, Lucy 24800 12-Oct-32 Muscogee
177 Lockhart, Mamie Fulton
178 Lockhart, Mary Lee 27151 8/3/1932 Lincoln Smith, Joe & Scott, Mary Lee 183 Salem|Pleasant Grove
179 Lockhart, Nancy 1993 1/26/1934 Richmond info Esse Mae Graham of 840 Hopkins St Scott, Andrew & Jennie
180 Lockhart, Robert W. 1112 1/30/1932 Fulton white
181 Lockhart, Samuel 23797 Sept. 1934 Richmond in process Lockhart, Isaac, & Lela or Lum 10939|Lockhart, Solomon|Richmond|April 12, 1934|Married|colored|widowed|brn 18:48|info: Charlied Hill|Hill
182 Lockheart, Samuel 23797 9/3/1934 Richmond Lockhart, Leila & Davidson, Anna
183 |Lockhart, Solomon| 10939 Married|colored|widowed|brn 18:48|info: Charlied Hill|Hill
184 Lockhart, T.E 3014 white Lockhart, James
185 Lockhart, Tom 24076 Oct. 22, 1932 Muscogee white
186 Lockhart, Willie 1451 23-Jan-32 McDuffie Lockhart, Marshall & Thomson, Candis Ella Lockhart
187 Lockhart, Lafayette 4021 Fulton Albert Lockhart|895 Neal St. Lockhart, George & Phinezze, Mollie 1061
188 Lumpkin, Laura| Oglethorpe| info: Hosey Smith
189 Lunsford, James| co Willie Lunsford (164)|he was 81
190 Lockhart, John 31106 Lockhard, Wymon|Lockhard, Lizzie
191 Lunceford, Jimmie M. 30211 Lunceford, Jimmie M (Sr.) & Bailey, Estella ( Eatonton)
192 Lunsford, CT 18297 7/28/1934 Bolton, Tom & ___________Coffer
193 Lunsford, Lucille 9541 Lunsford, Mel_z& Jasper, Jason 1603 died in labor
194 Lunsford, Gladys 23827 9/3/1934 Fulton
195 Lunsford, Gladys 24083 Sept. 29, 1934| Fulton
196 Lunsford, Grace 23827 9/3/1934 Lunsford, Jim & Holliman, Gertrude
197 Lunsford, Murry 644 1935 Clarke Cora Lunsford Lunsford, Willie & Goolsby, Edith single
198 Lunsford, Willie 5945 or 5495 3/20/1932 Lunsford, Willie & Bolton, Lovenia
199 Lunsford, Willie Lunsford, James
200 Lunsford, Willie 5495 8/4/1931 Fulton Lunsford, Willie Sr.|Bolton, Lovenia| wife is the child of Mack & Ida Bolton|272 Furchant Street|Lincoln Memorial
201 Marrow, Mr. Frank 6116 white
202 Mattox, Robert 11-Aug-35 Oglethorpe R Mattox, John H, & Flemming, Charity
203 Moss, Little or Littie 29284 Moss, John
204 Murray, Annie Laura 24111 12-Sep-35 Wilkes Mimms, Will & Winkfield, Rebecca
205 Murray, Fannie 13689 Oyour, Johns & Huff, Emma Jim Murray
206 Murry, Scott 29500 Murray, Georgia Murry, Vince& Susie (Sims) Georgia Murry
207 Norman, Ann 28348
208 Norman, Chan III 6852/ 6550 Norman, Chan, Jr & Butler, Julia
209 Norman, Jim Tuck 24106/7 8-Jun-35 Norman, Jim Tuck & Sheppard, Sarah
210 Norman, Johnnie 13688 14-Apr-05 Wilkes Norman, Miles &Wynn, Amanda
211 Norman, Van 14370 Norman, Moses & Walker, Lillie
212 Owens, Willie Owens, Dave & Marie of Edgefield, SC
213 Perry, Nora| co:|Perry, Charlie SC & Slaton, Nora (Philomath)
214 Partridge, Patience 1684 Hall, Richard & Pearlie
215 Pope,Dave 18788 Pope, Jennie
216 Pope, Lewis 8717 Pope, Tom & Sue
217 Porter, Lannie 24117 Wilkes Porter, Jerry
218 Pye, jessie 3231 26-Jan-35 Clarke Echols, Jack & 1775 Elberton|Atjens|nfo: Tommie Taylor of 275 Tawood St/.|
219 Render, Harriet 19436 7/14/1936 Wilkes related R co: Goolsby, Moses & Mary (questionable)
220 Richards, George F. white
221 Scott, M. Susan 27151 1935 Richmond black didn't pull
222 Sheppard, Georgia 26722 Wilkes Merriwether, Elax &Mckennan, Mary Ann
223 Sims, Cornelia 25455 Jones, Olsen
224 Sims, Irene 2015 1935 Oglethorpe R Sims, James & Noell, Irene
225 Sims, mary Wilkes Sims, Tom & Evans, Lizzie
226 Smith, Acie 16504 Lunsford, Liza & Daniel, William
227 Smith|Aggie||info" CJ Slay Oglethorpe co: Edmond Clarke|
228 Smith, Allen 30502 Smith, Homer & Faust, Ella
229 Smith, Anna 31340 English, Sam or Tim co English, Tim or Tom buried in Harmonia
230 Smith, Bennie Mae 20766
231 Smith, Bertha 11462 married into Smiths from Athens
232 Smith, Bob 4506
233 Maybe Smith, Charlie 1941 - maybe Wilkes co: Smith, Jack & Jannie
234 Smith, Clarence 16501 Oglethorpe white
235 Smith, Dock 9662 Henry Smith, all of Greensboro Smith, Ben
236 Smith, Mrs. Elbert 22687 white
237 Smith, Eugene 20674 1932 Mary Love Norman Smith, Fred & Hill, Mary Love, Taliaferro
238 Smith, Frank 10-Feb-33 Clarke Smith, Gilbert & Mary
239 Smith, Ida Mae 99824 1932 Smith, Willie & Waller or Walker, Lulmiches Smith, Ida Mae|3yrs old|co Willie Smith & Lul Michael|Wilkes
240 Smith, Jack 28779 Fred Frambro (burned) Witcher, Leonard & Smith, Addie 235
241 |Smith, Joe| 16324 4-May-35 Wilkes Lewis Smith & Fannie __ info: Frank Lee| 169 Burial: Pleasant Grove
242 Smith, John Wilkes Watkins, Fred Hanson, Mary
243 Smith, Johnnie Louise 22688 20 days old Clarke Smith, John & Maddox, Lela Ann
244 Smith, LM 19530 2-Jul-33 Wilkes unsure filed Smith, Tucker & Winfrew (wingfield?), M.
245 Smith, LM 19537 8/25/1933 Wilkes yes filed
246 smith, Lou 1867 Oglethorpe
247 Smith, Lucille 19532 Wilkes related Smith, Roberta who is related to the Smiths & Hansons, Joe Hanson Uncle
248 Smith, Matilda 7394 3/27/31 Ed Mathis of Lexington Collins, Steve & Harriet Archie Smith
249 Smith, Ralph (infant) 20767 C larke Smith, Ralph & Bridges, Magnolia
250 Smith, Sam 25428 Oglethorpe Smith, Harriet
251 Smith, Scott 9991 C larke Smith, Perry & Cole, Maullie
252 Smith, Talmadge white
253 Smith, Tom 3757 Smith, Joe & Acker, Ella mae
254 Smith, Tucker 31025 1885-1886 Smith, Steve & Murphy, Emily
255 Smith, Tucker 31025 33 Smith, Tucker & Murphy, Emily
256 Smith, Walter 8762 4/5/1933 Oglethorpe Smith, Nathaniel & Betsy 234 |Jessie is his wife but it states him as widowed|buried in Harmonia|co: died @68
257 Smith, Wash 30265 86-33 Hawes, Willie Smith, Matthew 167
258 Smith, Willie 22031 Tency Covington Smith, Tency & Young, George
259 Smith, Worth white Smtih, Grammell & Elizabeth
260 Teasley, Henry
261 Thomas, Albert Jr. 29288 Thomas, Albert jr & Reed, Ophelia
262 Thomas, Frank 29499 9/28/1931 Thomas, Henry & Welborn, Margaret
263 Turner, Hill 18201 Oglethorpe R Turner, Luke & Moore, Fannie
264 Waller, Ella 2021 Almond, Ceasar & Armour, Ella
265 Wi (e)lborn, Marie 24114 Barnett, Geo & McKinney, Caroline
266 Wilborn, Florence 8235 3/27/1934 Meriwether Weilborn & Harris, Julia
267 Willingham, Vada 16502 Smith, Frank & Ada
268 Willis, Hannah Heard, Willie & Mattox, Annie
269 Willis, Willie Willis, Grant or Gant & Sallie
270 Wilson, Lula B 34764 Fulton
271 Wingfield, Anna 4333 2/18/1933 Wilkes yes R Harden,Henry
272 Wingfield, Charles E. | 28-Oct-35
273 Wingfield, Charles E. April 8 1935 mother Mat Gollat and father Charles A. Wingfield
274 Wingfield, Curry 19943 25-Aug-31 Elbert Wingfield, James Sallie
275 Wingfield, Elbert or Albert 14405 Wilkes Wingfield, Jim & Dickerson, kate
276 Wingfield, Henry 29497 8/31/1931 Wilkes R Wingfield, George Wingfield, Henry|m. Amanda|co: Wingfield, George| informant Mamie Asbury|317 Whitehall St.
277 Wingfield, Hershall 1573 Dec-33 oglethorpe M. Boya Hogan Wingfield, John 229 |killed by gunshot|
278 Wingfield, isaac 4873 Richmond Wingfield, Henry, & Sheppard, Tama
279 Wingfield, Annie 4333 info: Susie Wingfield Harden, Henry 164 Spring St.|| Washington Cemetery
280 Winkfield, Annie Marion
281 Winkfield, James |Clarke|
282 Wingfield, James P| White | didn't pull certificate at all saw on census
283 Wingfield, John T. | white
284 Wingfield, Joseph 25964 brn: Oct 21, 1869 Sallie Moore Squire Wingfield
285 Wingfield, Lona 31423 23-Dec-32 info: T.H. Wingfield co: Hazel Thompson & Clarence Jones |412 markinson Street| Buried in Social circle|
286 Wingfield, Mable 15903 6/26/1934 Fulton Doughtry, Mack&Jones, Emma
287 Wingfeld, Maggie 19424 Oconee
288 Wingfield, Marie 4365 2/20/1932 Lincoln Lewis, Jake & Aniece Doilat
289 Wingifield, mary S. 28338 white
290 Wingfield, Mary|
291 Wingfield, Mary 31261 2-Nov-30 Henry Mays brn 1863
292 Wingfield, Nat 2109 1/4/1933 Wilkes y Wingfield, Nelson cherry grove
293 Wingfield, Pauline 20059 Feb, 29, 1914 - 8 Fulton y Wingfield Paul & Walker, Mar
294 Wingfield, Nick 6844 1/21/1933 Wilkes y Hattie Render J. H. Wingfield, Zury Cemetery|Mary Wilkes or Wingfield|
295 Wingfield, Rebecca 26100 Gordon, Sam
296 Wingfield, Savannah (Johnson) 2584| y | 1878|info Roberta Williams| Washington| died at 57.
297 Wingfield, Scott 5531 Wingfield, William & Truitt, maria
298 Winfrey, Rebecca 26100
299 Winkfield, Annie 23197 Marion
300 Winkfield, James 15077| 53 yrs old|Green|Clarke| co: Felix Winkfield& Carry T. of Green
301 Winkfield, Jordan 15226 6/14/1931 Green co: Winkfield, Neal 53 yrs old co: Felix Winkfield& Carry T. of Green 161 Winkfield, Jordan| |Brooks, Julius|
302 Wise, Rheba 16322 Wise, Cleveland,& Warren, Viola
303 Wooten, Sindy 13838 1935 Sanders, Nellie & Reid, Tom
304 Matilda| co Frank Cofer
305 Winkfield, Walter P. Jr.| 3664| 15-Jun-34 CLARKE Col info: Jessie Winkfield| Walter P. Winkfield Sr.|Carrie Thompson| buried Spring Creek| 460 Billups|Athens

|511 Smith Alleyt|12/12/34|Hill, Bragg|Richmond|born: | maiden name Mandy Hill|info: Everest Hill|Southview Cemetery


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