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Weekly Tip: Finding Genealogy Websites

15 April 2011

by Gena Philibert Ortega

You've checked; you've looked at the free resources at the US Genweb; you've even searched the subscription websites available through the FamilySearch Center Portal. What's your next step?
It can be difficult to find genealogical information on the Internet if you don't know where to look. While using a search engine like Google is a good first start, you may also want to consider website indexes and lists and genealogical specific search engines as you continue to search for your ancestors.
Website indexes and lists provide links to genealogical websites for the area or record type you are researching. Some examples that you should be using include:
Cyndi's List: A well-known favorite of genealogists.With currently 291, 330 links organized according to locality, record type and topic, you are bound to find relevant links for your specific research question as well as links to methodology and research articles that will help build your research skills.
Linkpendium :Over 9 million links categorized by locality.Mostly United States resources but also has some United Kingdom links as well.Search on the state and county your ancestor lived in, and then links are categorized by record type.
Family History Internet Sites: The work of BYU professor and genealogist Kip Sperry.This simple list contains the must-have websites that all genealogists should have bookmarked.
Family Tree Magazine's 101 Best Websites: Every year Family Tree Magazine presents their top 101 best genealogy websites.These articles are printable from the Internet and provide you a chance to learn about new websites that may help in your research.
As you research you may also want to consider genealogy specific search engines that will search genealogical websites for you and may assist you in narrowing down a regular search engine search. One recent example of a genealogically specific search engine is Mocavo. Mocavo searches on free genealogy websites. Because it is a new search engine, just launched less than a month ago, not all genealogy websites are indexed. Because it is constantly being added to, your best bet would be to keep coming back to Mocavo to look for your ancestors.
Live Roots is another genealogically specific search engine, but unlike Mocavo it provides results from subscription websites. According to Live Roots' About page, "Live Roots is a specialized search engine that assists you with locating genealogical resources, including both those that are accessible online and others which may require assistance from another researcher. The concept behind Live Roots was to build a search experience that bridges the gaps between independent genealogy web sites, large commercial ancestry repositories and many other printed family history materials yet to be digitized and published on the World Wide Web..." Live Roots has other features as well. To use Live Roots, I would recommend reading the Getting Started with Live Roots page.
One last tip: don't forget to look for website links on websites where you are searching. Many websites and blogs include additional links that may assist you in your search.
This information was obtained through the site.
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