Lawd So busy.....

Well, as you may or may not know by now I am a paper feen! I love folders, files books etc. Due to this slight issue I am past my knees in paper work. However, I am very happy about this, this is so much fun, thank you Ancestors!

bI have recently found a number of new things. Which I will outline now but update later. Oh yes, newly found relatives are going to be at the bottom of this post.

NEWS BULLETINS Tax Digests are helpful for finding African-American males and some families year by year. . Luckily if you know the county you can trace it down to who they worked for, and possibly when they died.

Example: Found out that my 2nd great Grandfather "Seaborn Dubose" must have died in between 1895 and 1896, his wife Rodie shows up in 1896, which of course helps with the missing 1890 census. They have some online and on microfiche but after 1867 and up until the next century they have the actual books which are Much quicker and just neat. A guy in the Georgia Archives helped me he is always there with the digests but I forgot his name. He was so great! I will get that information for you guys though.

A genealogist's guide to discovering your African-American ancestors: how to ... By Franklin Carter Smith, Emily Anne Croom

good site:

Native American Information Non-Personal: You can find the most recent deceased or living relatives by doing a search in delivered to your inbox Personal: Apparently there ARE Indians in my family... Gooslby or Bolton family in Oglethorpe or Wilkes, Georgia?, you may be a Native American Apparently Wilkes & Oglethorpe, Georgia was a hotbed for Goolsbys, Davenports, Irvins,etc & the like mentioned as a mulattoes. Here is a site that explains a lot of this, but thanks to a cousin to be mentioned later and of course my grandfather Clifford Wingfield always said we were Cherokee. Definition: M) Mulatto generally means a person of mixed race, part black and part white, technically 50% of each meaning one black parent, one white. Of course the term was also applied to people who weren't "half and half" but had some degree of African ancestry as determined by skin color. In the early years of the census there were not enough race codes to cover every possible race. Therefore many people were listed as "Mulatto" who were of some other origin besides part black and part white. Keep in mind that those listed as Mulatto could be mixed Black-White, White-Indian, Black-Indian, or a combination of all three (Black, Indian and White, also called "Tri-Racial"). This doesn't even account for those who might be dark skinned but of some other origin (Melungeon, "Black Dutch", North African Moors, Sephardic Jews, Middle Eastern, Asian, etc.). As you can imagine, this was a "catch-all" category on the early census records. In 1790, any free person considered "Mulatto" or "non white" would have been listed in the "Other" columns. In 1800 through 1840, they would have been included in the "Free Colored" columns. In 1850 and later, they would have been listed with a race code of "M" in the "Color" column. In many cases you'll find these same people listed as "White" on some census records. Trail of Tears Native Americans - some of them also owned Slaves thus how African Americans from Georgia and Virginia ended up in the West. Most of the Cherokee Nation, about 17,000 people, were forced to march on the Trail of Tears, and much of the relocation was actually conducted and supervised by Cherokee leaders. It should be noted that the Cherokee group was extremely westernized as compared to some of the other Native American groups. They lived in villages, made use of the American political system, and wealthy Cherokee people might own slaves. In fact, 2000 slaves also marched on the Trail of Tears with their Cherokee owners.


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